Game Design Decal Fall 2024

Monday 10/14

OPTIONAL: Lab 13 is assigned!

Thursday 10/17

OPTIONAL: Lab 14 is assigned!

Project 3, Milestone 0 is due in class (10/17)

Milestone 1 is assigned and due on Oct 24th in class.

Jump to Week: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6


Week 0

Sept 5
Lecture Infosession
LabLab 0: Unity Setup

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Oct 7
LecturePitch Day
ReadingHow to Write a Good Game Design Document
Oct 10
Lecture Project 2 Showcase
ProjectProject 3: Final

Week 6

Oct 14
Lecture Work Day
LabOptional: Lab 13: Transitioning, Saving and Building
ReadingTeam Structures in Game Development
Oct 17
Lecture Tutorial + Level Design
LabOptional: Lab 14: 3D Rigging, Skinning, and Animation
Project Milestone 0: Game Design Doc

Week 7

Oct 21
LectureGame Feel
LabOptional: Lab 15: Raycasting
ReadingTips for Better Playtesting
Oct 24
Lecture Milestone 1: MVP Playtest

Week 8

Oct 28
Lecture Music and SFX
LabOptional: Lab 16: Lighting
ReadingInsightful Playtest Questions
Oct 31
Project Guest Lecture

Week 9

Nov 4
Lecture Accessibility
Reading Accessible Controllers
Nov 7
Project Milestone 2: Alpha Playtest

Week 10

Nov 11
Lecture Work Day
Reading Accessible Controllers
Nov 14
Project Guest Lecture

Week 11

Nov 18
Lecture AI Design
Reading AI in Gaming
Nov 21
Project Milestone 3: Beta Playtest

Week 12

Nov 25
LectureWork Day
Reading Tutorial Design

Week 13

Dec 2
Lecture Building and Publishing
Dec 5
Lecture Course Postmortem
Project Milestone 4: Final Submission

Week 15

Dec 9
GDD Showcase